New white paper on improving gift card programs
Insight, advice from National Gift Card Corp.
Jan. 14, 2014 – With the holiday season just completed, businesses and individuals across the country last year spent billions of dollars for gift cards to reward and motivate employees and other special people. But beyond the gift card itself, there are ways to make these programs more organized, exciting, and leave a lasting impression with long-term benefits, according to a newly-published National Gift Card Corp. (NGC) white paper.
The paper, “Getting the most out of your gift card program,” was written and published to help incentive and loyalty program administrators achieve the maximum impact and results from a gift card-based recognition / reward program. Drawing on research and best practices from NGC and other leaders in the incentive industry, readers can learn about ways to more conveniently and streamline gift card purchasing, program administration, customization options, and ways to design a truly memorable presentation.
An information graphic accompanies the white paper, highlighting key points on running a successful gift card program, and the resulting long-term benefits.
Gift card purchasing activity in the U.S. is a $22.7 billion industry, the paper notes, with 87% of businesses using them, according to the Incentive Gift Card Council. Another industry group, the Incentive Research Foundation, reports that “more than 75% of gift card program owners believe they are among the most effective of all rewards for driving loyalty and engagement.”
To read the full text of the NGC while paper, visit