US Shoppers Yearn for Better Retail Mobile Apps

In today’s rapidly evolving retail landscape, retail mobile apps have become an integral part of the shopping experience. They offer convenience, personalized recommendations, and exclusive rewards to consumers. However, recent research indicates that there is significant room for improvement in the world of retail technology and retail apps. A survey conducted by retail mobile app development company Bryj reveals that a majority of US consumers are dissatisfied with these retail mobile apps. This dissatisfaction underscores the urgent need for retailers to enhance their retail mobile app offerings, both in-store and online.

The Mobile App Dilemma

Retail mobile apps have proliferated across the retail industry, with nearly 74% of consumers expecting retailers to provide them. However, this widespread adoption hasn’t translated into seamless and satisfying user experiences. The survey found that 44% of consumers are only somewhat satisfied with their retail mobile shopping experiences, while 8% are outright dissatisfied.

This presents a crucial challenge for retailers who wish to remain competitive. With 60% of US consumers more likely to shop with a retailer offering a retail mobile app, it’s evident that the quality of the app can significantly impact a retailer’s bottom line.

Meeting Consumer Expectations

To address these concerns, retailers must understand what consumers want from their retail mobile apps. In-app exclusive rewards were highlighted as a key factor influencing consumer preference for retail mobile shopping, with 83% of respondents valuing this feature. Additionally, 83% of consumers are more likely to make purchases from retail mobile apps that offer personalized recommendations, a critical aspect for Gen Z and Millennial shoppers, with a staggering 91% considering it important.

Furthermore, discounts and deals are rated as the most valuable feature of retail mobile apps by 76% of consumers. Loyalty programs (57%) and ease of payment (54%) also rank high in terms of importance.

The In-Store Connection

While online shopping continues to grow, the importance of the in-store experience cannot be underestimated. Retail mobile apps can play a pivotal role here as well. The survey indicates that 55% of consumers are more likely to make in-store purchases if retail employees have access to mobile handheld devices to check inventory while 45% of respondents said the same about mobile checkout options.

The Path Forward

Retail mobile app development company Bryj CEO Lawrence Snapp emphasizes that when done right, retail mobile experiences can deepen customer relationships, build loyalty, and drive greater business value. Retailers need to focus on personalization, convenience, and agility as core principles for their retail mobile apps.
Moreover, leading retailers such as Alibaba, Amazon, and ASOS have already demonstrated the potential of retail mobile app investments in enhancing the shopping experience and boosting revenue. These industry giants prioritize retail mobile technology as a strategic avenue for growth, and their success serves as a compelling example for others to follow.

The dissatisfaction of US consumers with retail mobile apps is a clear call to action for retailers. Enhancing the quality of retail mobile app offerings, both in-store and online, is not just a customer-centric approach but also a strategic move to remain competitive and drive revenue growth in an increasingly digital retail landscape. The future of retail mobile apps lies in meeting consumer expectations, delivering personalized experiences, and leveraging technology to transform the shopping experience.